Can we ever truly appreciate what we have before it’s gone? The world is a series of yin and yang. Time with our children when they are young is perceived as an exhausting experience in some cases. But when those same children grow up, we long for the time when they were little. When a partner is always there, we begin to focus on the negatives of their rhythm: however, if we were to lose that same person, our perception would immediately flip to all the positives that we miss. Is this a comment on human nature to be drawn to negatives? I like to think of myself as an optimist. In a lot of ways, I feel allergic to negative energy. Yet at the same time, I see these tendencies in myself and I’m left asking why?
For example this morning, I was able to sleep in as my partner and kids are out of town. However, after waking up two hours later than I can when they are here, I found myself regretting not having those two hours in the day. The big difference with some of our losses or adversities is recognizing that they are not all created equal. By this I mean, some are temporary losses, and some are long-term losses. And the process of learning and growing for me has been to recognize the temporary losses/adversities as opportunities. In this morning's example, the opportunity was for me to reframe those early morning wake-ups with the kids. Seeing my children as a vector for me to live more of my life consciously. As a driving factor for me to be present with and action on my life‘s purpose. Parenting is one of those primary purposes for me.
And I look forward to applying this new perspective on these exhausting early mornings because my children won’t be children for long. And once they aren’t available to me, I will have to find the motivation myself to get up and utilize two more hours in the day. Here’s to those two hours and my children for giving them to me.
And I offer this to you all such that you can see those temporary losses, or find motivation in those long-term ones, to not feel the victim of your circumstance but instead the architect of your opportunities.